Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Incline Cardio Review

Usually with cardio programs you get a complex set of instructions which look great on paper and you are excited to get started. What usually happens next is that when you try the new workout program in the gym you realise there's no way you can possibly keep it up. Before long you dread going to the gym, then you stop going altogether. What I really love about Incline Cardio is that I don't think this will happen with this routine. You see the difference here is that this is actually a simple routine which is enjoyable. Imagine doing a nice simple workout you look forward to! That's the secret the author Clay Rogers has built into his system.

In a nut shell you set the treadmill to a specific incline and speed and then you walk, whilst holding an exact posture. How long do you do this for? 30 minutes? An hour? Nope! Clay sets the guidelines as 10 to 15 minutes. No more, no less. He gives difference options depending on whether you are doing it after a resistance workout or doing it "solo". He even gives advanced options for losing fat even quicker.

So what's so special about walking at an exact incline, holding a set posture? Well the key is that your abs are engaged throughout the full 10-15 minutes, developing your abs whilst melting off the fat. Speaking of the fat loss there's really something magical going on here - the fat will just melt off! People often ask me - how can I get a 6 pack - well the answer is as simple as doing this cardio workout. You will walk that fat off of your stomach, whilst toning your tummy.

Clay details how to find your exact metabolic sweet spot, which will be different for everyone. Different incline setting, different speed. But the pace will be walking - never jogging. Full instructions are provided as PDF format as well as a nicely made video.

Pros of Incline Cardio: 

  • A cardio routine you can perform every day if you want
  • Only 10 - 15 minutes, never more
  • A workout which doesn't leave you exhausted
  • Melts fat off
  • Develops great abs - a 6 pack on guys and defined abs on girls
  • Contains a video demonstration plus a PDF full of info

Cons of Incline Cardio:

  • Quite a short pdf, but that's also what's great - it's so uncomplicated. 
  • You will sweat during those 10-15 minutes - more than you think!
  • Having to buy a new wardrobe when you lose that fat

Overall if I had to sum up this Incline Cardio review I'd say if you're looking to lose fat while toning your stomach or building a ripped six pack then this is the easiest way. 

Clay has put together a really nice summary of Incline Cardio here. He gives the general idea of the workout system so you can get a feel for what to expect.


When you buy Incline Cardio it will be delivered as a PDF as well as a video you can watch to make sure you understand the exact way to perform the cardio so that it melts off fat at the same time as developing those 6 pack abs. This is more convenient than a real book since get the treadmill cardio workout delivered to you instantly - no more waiting on the postman!

Incline Cardio is available as a pdf here