Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Treadmill workout to lose weight

Many people are often looking for a good treadmill workout to lose weight.

Key points to look for in a good treadmill workout:

  • Takes as short a time as possible
  • Doesn't leave you feeling exhausted
  • Helps you lose weight quickly
  • Targets fat loss instead of muscle loss
Clay Rogers has written an excellent treadmill workout to lose weight called Incline Cardio.

This meets all targets set above: only takes 10-15 minutes a day, won't exhaust you, melts fat off quickly.

He stumbled on his technique almost accidentally whilst on holiday and came home to set about tweaking and testing it out - making it as efficient as possible, which is why it only takes 10-15 minutes a day.

Unlike most cardio treadmill programs it doesn't involve taxing HIIT (high intensity interval training), nor does it involve what's called "marathon cardio" (up to an hour or more).

His clever trick is setting the treadmill to a very specific incline setting then walking at a defined speed whilst holding a certain posture. This also help to target the ab muscles, helping you to build a 6 pack as your fat gets burned off quickly and easily.

1 comment:

  1. awww thanks for the sharing the key point of treadmill workout :)

